We’re a creative and professional team focusing on strategy, conceptualisation, texts, design, programming, photo and video production to build brands and optimise both their digital and analog performance.

Pappelallee 78/79
10437 Berlin

+49 (0) 30 58 88 76 99

Jana Posth


Our Work

Berlin. New York. Shanghai. For Jana Posth, Creative Producer, we built a bilingual website (German/English) in WordPress. As a creative lead in the areas of concept, production and project management, Jana realises artistic-cultural projects and commercial productions with an international team. Concept, copy, translation, design, coding, and SEO – having developed this site for Jana has been an enriching experience. We wish her all the best and will continue to accompany her.

Project Info


Jana Posth




concept, copywriting, translation, design, coding, SEO (WordPress)

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